Monday 12 March 2012


definition: Does the aretefact do what it was designed to do, or does it peform effectively and efficiently?
My desk lamp was designed to help me with a number of things: Firstly, to help me see while I'm sitting at my desk do work or whatever. Secondly to stand up by itself so it won't fall down. And thirdly it was designed correctly so the light wouldn't shine in my eyes, just on the desk so I can see what I'm doing.

definition: Very Subjective (is often subject to personal tastes and/ or fashions of the times.Relate the colour, shape, proportion, texture and other visuals aspects of the artefacts.

My desk lamp was designed how I wanted it, not how someone else wanted it. I didn't do something totally different or really "out there" I just did something simple and how I liked it. 

definition: The cost of materials, manufacturing, labour, advertising, transport, packaging, sales, administration.

  • Aluminium body $2.40, I used $2.40
  • heat shrink $12 per metre, I used 50c 
  • LED strip $195 per 5 m, I used $2.80
  • Power cord $2.80, I used $2.80
  • poly propylene $0.20,  I used $0.20
So all together my desk lamp would of costed $8.70.
But if I were to sell my desk lamp I wouldn't sell it for $8.70, because to make this lamp it took me some time, which I need to get paid for. And also if I were to sell it, it would of costed more money because this desk lamp is not package or transported, so again it would cost more money.

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